Understanding the Activities of the House of Representatives Beyond the Plenary Session

Understanding the Activities of the House of Representatives Beyond the Plenary Session

Category: HORCourses
Dollar Price: $6
Naira Price: ₦9100

Understanding the Plenary Session in the House of Representatives

Understanding the Plenary Session in the House of Representatives

Category: HORCourses
Dollar Price: $6
Naira Price: ₦9100

To function effectively as a legislator in a Federal Democracy, members of the House of Representatives need to understand fully the legislative operations in the House and how to make full use of every activity. One of the Sessions they play actively in is the Plenary Session. In this course, we describe fully the Session so the Honourable House member knows her/his ropes and how to play to effectively represent his Constituency. This is a must-have course for any aspiring politician and new and old House members.

How to Raise Motions, Create and  Pass Bills as a House of Representatives Member

How to Raise Motions, Create and Pass Bills as a House of Representatives Member

Category: HORCourses
Dollar Price: $6
Naira Price: ₦9100

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the legislative process within the House of Representatives. It is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively raise motions, create, and pass bills.

Day-To-Day Legislative Operations in  the House of Representatives

Day-To-Day Legislative Operations in the House of Representatives

Category: HORCourses
Dollar Price: $6
Naira Price: ₦9100

Explore the daily functions of the House of Representatives, delving into key legislative activities such as Morning Hour, Committee Meetings, and Plenary Sessions. Gain insight into how laws are debated and passed, and understand the structured processes that guide legislative operations. Ideal for those looking to enhance their knowledge of political procedures within a Federal Republic democracy.

The Role of Presiding and Principal Officers of the House of Representatives and How They Were Elected

The Role of Presiding and Principal Officers of the House of Representatives and How They Were Elected

Category: HORCourses
Dollar Price: $6
Naira Price: ₦9100

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the tasks and responsibilities of the House of Representatives' presiding and senior officers. It investigates the election processes for these officers, their effects on legislative operations, and the collaboration required among them to efficiently manage the House's functions.

Journey of Bills in the Legislative Process: From Bill  Conception to Bill Passage to Bill Assent.

Journey of Bills in the Legislative Process: From Bill Conception to Bill Passage to Bill Assent.

Category: HORCourses
Dollar Price: $6
Naira Price: ₦9100

This comprehensive course explores the intricate journey of a bill through the legislative process, from its initial conception to its final assent. Participants will gain a deep understanding of each critical stage involved in transforming an idea into law. The course is designed for individuals interested in legislative processes, public policy, and governance.


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