Effective Local Governance in  a Federal Democracy:  Structures, Roles and Collaborative Dynamics

Effective Local Governance in a Federal Democracy: Structures, Roles and Collaborative Dynamics

Category: LGChairmanCourses
Dollar Price: $4
Naira Price: ₦6500

This course provides an in-depth understanding of the structure, roles, and collaborative dynamics within local government in a federal democracy. It explores how the Local Government Chairman and Councilors work together to ensure smooth governance and effective service delivery at the grassroots level. Through this course, learners will gain insights into the administrative, legislative, executive, and judicial aspects of local governance and the critical importance of cooperation between different branches of local government. When the Teamwork is Strong, Local Governance Can't Go Wrong!

Leading Local Governance: The Role of a Local Government Council Chairman  (Mayor))

Leading Local Governance: The Role of a Local Government Council Chairman (Mayor))

Category: LGChairmanCourses
Dollar Price: $4
Naira Price: ₦6500

This course is packaged to educate and empower individuals interested in local governance, particularly those aspiring to or currently serving as Local Government Council Chairmen in their countries. Some jurisdictions have Mayors occupying this position. The structured approach and practical insights will help participants understand and effectively perform their roles, contributing to the development and administration of their communities.

Understanding the Activities of the House of Representatives Beyond the Plenary Session

Understanding the Activities of the House of Representatives Beyond the Plenary Session

Category: HORCourses
Dollar Price: $6
Naira Price: ₦9100

Synergy in Governance: The Senate, House of Representatives, Executive and judiciary

Synergy in Governance: The Senate, House of Representatives, Executive and judiciary

Category: GeneralCourses
Dollar Price: $0
Naira Price: ₦0

This course explores the dynamic relationship between the Senate, House of Representatives, the Executive branch, and the judiciary. Also, it helps provide a comprehensive understanding of the Senate's and Federal House’s roles and their interactions with other branches of government, ensuring effective and balanced governance.

Understanding Key Roles in the Presidency: The Chief of Staff and the Secretary to the Government of the Federation

Understanding Key Roles in the Presidency: The Chief of Staff and the Secretary to the Government of the Federation

Category: GovernorandPresidentCourses
Dollar Price: $
Naira Price: ₦13

This course provides an in-depth exploration of the pivotal roles of the Chief of Staff to the President and the Secretary to the Government of the Federation in a presidential system of government. It delves into the duties, responsibilities, and impact of these roles on the functioning of the presidency and the broader government. The course is designed to equip students with a thorough understanding of how these positions contribute to policy implementation, crisis management, and governmental coordination.

A Typical Journey Map for a User

A Typical Journey Map for a User

Category: GeneralCourses
Dollar Price: $0
Naira Price: ₦0

Understanding the Plenary Session in the House of Representatives

Understanding the Plenary Session in the House of Representatives

Category: HORCourses
Dollar Price: $6
Naira Price: ₦9100

To function effectively as a legislator in a Federal Democracy, members of the House of Representatives need to understand fully the legislative operations in the House and how to make full use of every activity. One of the Sessions they play actively in is the Plenary Session. In this course, we describe fully the Session so the Honourable House member knows her/his ropes and how to play to effectively represent his Constituency. This is a must-have course for any aspiring politician and new and old House members.

How to Raise Motions, Create and  Pass Bills as a House of Representatives Member

How to Raise Motions, Create and Pass Bills as a House of Representatives Member

Category: HORCourses
Dollar Price: $6
Naira Price: ₦9100

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the legislative process within the House of Representatives. It is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively raise motions, create, and pass bills.

World Political Ideologies: Where Stand Nigeria's Political Parties?

World Political Ideologies: Where Stand Nigeria's Political Parties?

Category: GeneralCourses
Dollar Price: $0
Naira Price: ₦0

This course explores global political ideologies and their impact on governance and political parties, with a special emphasis on Nigeria's political history. The course begins by explaining key ideologies such as liberalism, conservatism, socialism, communism, and fascism, along with their historical applications across different countries. It then focuses on Nigeria, tracing the political ideas that have influenced the nation since its independence in 1960. The course covers various phases of Nigeria's political journey, including the rise of nationalism, periods of military rule, and the establishment of democracy. By the end of the course, participants will have a deeper understanding of how these ideologies have shaped political practices both globally and within Nigeria.

Understanding the Legislative Process in the State House of Assembly

Understanding the Legislative Process in the State House of Assembly

Category: HOACourses
Dollar Price: $4
Naira Price: ₦6500

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the legislative process in Nigeria's State House of Assembly. It covers the various stages involved in lawmaking, from bill introduction to passage and assent. The course equips learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to actively participate in the legislative process and understand the role of the State House of Assembly in governance.

Mastering State Governance: A Deep into Executive and Constitutional Duties of State Governors

Mastering State Governance: A Deep into Executive and Constitutional Duties of State Governors

Category: GovernorandPresidentCourses
Dollar Price: $9
Naira Price: ₦13000

This course provides an in-depth exploration of the executive and constitutional duties of State Governors, offering participants a comprehensive understanding of the responsibilities that define state leadership. From policy formulation and administration to law enforcement and crisis management, this course is designed to equip learners with the knowledge and practical skills necessary for effective state governance. This can not be exhaustive of the duties of State Governors but the key duties have been covered. Though Nigeria has been particularized, there are similarities with most Countries in a Presidential democracy.

Preparing To Run Again (Part 2) -  Effective Strategies Learning from the Trump's Team (Article)

Preparing To Run Again (Part 2) - Effective Strategies Learning from the Trump's Team (Article)

Category: GovernorandPresidentCourses
Dollar Price: $9
Naira Price: ₦13000


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