Understanding the Legislative Process in the State House of Assembly

Understanding the Legislative Process in the State House of Assembly

Category: HOACourses
Dollar Price: $4
Naira Price: ₦6500

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the legislative process in Nigeria's State House of Assembly. It covers the various stages involved in lawmaking, from bill introduction to passage and assent. The course equips learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to actively participate in the legislative process and understand the role of the State House of Assembly in governance.

Understanding the Role of the State House of Assembly in the Budget Process

Understanding the Role of the State House of Assembly in the Budget Process

Category: HOACourses
Dollar Price: $4
Naira Price: ₦6500

Navigating Legislative Procedures: Raising Motions, Proposing Bills, and Oversight Functions in the State House of Assembly

Navigating Legislative Procedures: Raising Motions, Proposing Bills, and Oversight Functions in the State House of Assembly

Category: HOACourses
Dollar Price: $4
Naira Price: ₦6500

This structured course will provide new and old members of the State House of Assembly with a comprehensive understanding of legislative procedures, ensuring they are well-equipped to raise motions, propose bills, and conduct oversight functions effectively.

Master Bill Drafting For Legislators

Master Bill Drafting For Legislators

Category: HOACourses
Dollar Price: $4
Naira Price: ₦6500

This comprehensive course provides an in-depth understanding of the key components and processes involved in drafting a bill for the State House of Assembly or House of Representatives. Participants will learn the essential features, structures, and best practices for creating effective legislation. The course covers each element of a bill, from the title and preamble to the procedures and enforcement mechanisms, equipping learners with the knowledge to draft legislation that meets legislative standards and addresses key issues.

Understanding the State Budget Process and  the Roles of Members of the State House of Assembly

Understanding the State Budget Process and the Roles of Members of the State House of Assembly

Category: HOACourses
Dollar Price: $4
Naira Price: ₦6500


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