Synergy in Governance: The Senate, House of Representatives, Executive and judiciary

Synergy in Governance: The Senate, House of Representatives, Executive and judiciary

Category: GeneralCourses
Dollar Price: $0
Naira Price: ₦0

This course explores the dynamic relationship between the Senate, House of Representatives, the Executive branch, and the judiciary. Also, it helps provide a comprehensive understanding of the Senate's and Federal House’s roles and their interactions with other branches of government, ensuring effective and balanced governance.

A Typical Journey Map for a User

A Typical Journey Map for a User

Category: GeneralCourses
Dollar Price: $0
Naira Price: ₦0

World Political Ideologies: Where Stand Nigeria's Political Parties?

World Political Ideologies: Where Stand Nigeria's Political Parties?

Category: GeneralCourses
Dollar Price: $0
Naira Price: ₦0

This course explores global political ideologies and their impact on governance and political parties, with a special emphasis on Nigeria's political history. The course begins by explaining key ideologies such as liberalism, conservatism, socialism, communism, and fascism, along with their historical applications across different countries. It then focuses on Nigeria, tracing the political ideas that have influenced the nation since its independence in 1960. The course covers various phases of Nigeria's political journey, including the rise of nationalism, periods of military rule, and the establishment of democracy. By the end of the course, participants will have a deeper understanding of how these ideologies have shaped political practices both globally and within Nigeria.

The PolitIQ Platform: How To Use It

The PolitIQ Platform: How To Use It

Category: GeneralCourses
Dollar Price: $0
Naira Price: ₦0

Peculiarities of Nigerian State Governments within a Federal Democracy

Peculiarities of Nigerian State Governments within a Federal Democracy

Category: GeneralCourses
Dollar Price: $0
Naira Price: ₦0

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the unique features of Nigeria's state governments, suitable for a wide range of learners.

Ubuntu Philosophy and Principles Vs Existing Political Ideologies: A Comparison

Ubuntu Philosophy and Principles Vs Existing Political Ideologies: A Comparison

Category: GeneralCourses
Dollar Price: $0
Naira Price: ₦0

A new political ideology has emerged based on the Ubuntu Governance Model. You will compare this ideology against globally recognized political ideologies and check if the ideology is best for you to adopt in your political journey or in your jurisdiction or community.

Guide To Conflict Management For  Political Party Administrators and Officials

Guide To Conflict Management For Political Party Administrators and Officials

Category: GeneralCourses
Dollar Price: $2
Naira Price: ₦2600

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to managing disagreements within political parties, emphasizing practical steps for settlement and maintaining harmony. Participants will learn how to recognize issues, communicate effectively, mediate disputes, and promote a positive party atmosphere. This training, designed for party administrators and officials, provides individuals with the necessary skills to resolve conflicts constructively and maintain a collaborative political atmosphere.

What is Good Governance in Form and Substance and  How Can a Layman Tangibly Perceive it??

What is Good Governance in Form and Substance and How Can a Layman Tangibly Perceive it??

Category: GeneralCourses
Dollar Price: $0
Naira Price: ₦0

This course delves into the core principles of good governance, focusing on transparency, accountability, participation, and the rule of law. It provides learners with the tools to recognize and evaluate these elements in governmental institutions, empowering them to understand how good governance impacts their lives and how to assess it effectively.

Understanding the Roles of National and State Party Leadership in a Presidential Leadership

Understanding the Roles of National and State Party Leadership in a Presidential Leadership

Category: GeneralCourses
Dollar Price: $9
Naira Price: ₦13000

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the roles and responsibilities of national and state party leadership in a presidential democracy. It explores the hierarchical structure of political parties, the functions of key leadership positions, and the strategies employed to ensure effective party operations and electoral success. The course equips students with a deep understanding of party dynamics and the essential skills for navigating the political landscape.


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